Diakonia Retreat Center Visiting Protocol:
The following protocol is established for the entry and stay at the Diakonia Retreat Center, which includes the eco-cabins, dining hall, gift shop, infirmary, Panagia Chapel and the use of our outdoor facilities.
Reservations are required.
Facemasks are required and will be provided as necessary.
The use of hand sanitizer is encouraged and hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the campus.
Seating areas will be designated to accommodate 35 people. If you came together, you may stay together, but respect the social distance requirement of six feet (6’) from other guests
Arrival to the Diakonia Retreat Center is as follows:
You will call upon arrival and be greeted by our staff in the infirmary.
The temperature of the guests will be taken, and the Covid-19 waiver will be distributed for review and signature.
Meals in the dining hall are to go as follows:
Seating areas will be organized 6 feet apart. Each table can accommodate 4 guests.
Each guest must wear a facemask upon entry and may remove the mask while eating and/or drinking.
Each guest is to retrieve their meal(s) through the cafeteria line. Condiments and silverware will be distributed as single use items. Refills will be performed by kitchen staff members.
The dining hall, Charlie’s room, and the coffee area will be sanitized by staff after each use.
The eco-cabins will be cleaned as normal procedure. In addition, we will sanitize the mattress, door knobs, and mini-fridge after each stay.